[BBLISA] Web Application - Word, Excel, etc, Citrix? Something Else?

John Stoffel john at stoffel.org
Tue Sep 9 21:17:09 EDT 2008

Edward> Another possibility that would be awesome...

Edward> If I can somehow make X11, or VNC securely available in a web
Edward> browser, for outside-access into our network...  Then people
Edward> could just launch OpenOffice, or anything they want, on our
Edward> internal files...

Edward> I'm also having trouble finding any products like this.  Know
Edward> of any?

Setup a VPN for your users?  Then connect to your internal network
over the VPN, then they can access any internal web apps securely,
without the web app needing it's own strong security.

Now, which app they should use is another question.  :]

OpenOffice inside VNC (or NX from NoMachine) inside a VPN tunnel might
be just what you want/need.  Plus, with the VPN they have access to
all their normal network drives, just like in work.  Which means
training costs go down since people can now use the same tools as
inside.  Only the VPN is layered on top.


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