[BBLISA] June meeting

Adam Moskowitz adamm at menlo.com
Wed Jun 3 20:13:10 EDT 2015

Wednesday, June 10, 2015
MIT E-51 Room 145
7:00 - Introductions and announcements
7:30 - Formal presentation

Rocket and the Application Container Specification
Mark Lamourine, Red Hat

The introduction of Rocket and the Application Container Specification
brought the number of the Linux container alternatives to three. In the
six months since that announcement, Rocket has matured quite a bit. It
offers lighter weight containers, simpler image discovery and tight
integration with orchestration systems like Kubernetes. In this
presentation you'll learn the basics of Rocket development, usage and
internals as well as the current state of the Application Container
Specification and alternate implementations of the spec. 

Mark Lamourine is currently working at Red Hat as a champion of the
System Administrator in the development and integration of system and
software services. In his 30 years in front of a keyboard his work
experiences range from developing and operating ISP infrastructure
services, to managing software and hardware testing labs in much smaller
companies. Recently he's started writing blogs, book reviews and
articles on new tech in computing. He's an (extremely minor) contributor
to both the Rocket/Appc and Kubernetes projects.

Directions and other info on our web site: http://www.bblisa.org/

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