Rudie, Tony Tony.Rudie at fmr.com
Wed May 27 18:41:52 EDT 2009

I have to replace the mail transfer agent for my Unix/Linux population.  It doesn't have to do anything fancy, because the hard stuff, like virus scanning and spam filtering, is taken care of by the corporate infrastructure.  All I need is something that can obey a big sendmail-style aliases file, a small mailertable, a small domains file, and a smarthost directive. The processing volume is substantial, but not unheard-of:  about 100,000 messages a day.  And this is just for the hub.  All the unix/linux servers in the place run native sendmail and forward everything to the hub.

I'm using sendmail switch from sendmail.com, but they're discontinuing support.  I think this is something that can be whipped into shape on one of the freely available packages, but which is easiest to work with?  Something that was part of the RedHat distribution would be a plus.

Probably best to reply to me only, and let me summarize.

 - Tony Rudié 

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