[BBLISA] Odd Rsync Behavior...

Brian O'Neill oneill at oinc.net
Fri Jan 9 17:29:17 EST 2009

I'll second the fact that it would be much better to use the rsync 
protocol end-to-end...do you have an account on the NFS server where you 
can access the files directly? Then you wouldn't need to have an rsync 
server always running - rsync works well with rsh or ssh.

As far as the missing files - just run rsync again. If it fails again on 
the same files, then something is suspect. But one of the beauties of 
rsync is it will only update what it needs to, so you can truly keep 
them in sync without copying the whole thing over again.

Tom Metro wrote:
> Richard 'Doc' Kinne wrote:
>> The partition I am trying to back up is coming from an NFS mounted 
>> volume and going to an attached external Firewire drive.
> If at all possible, you want to have an rsync server (or rsh invoked 
> rsync) on the NFS server directly. Otherwise you miss out on one of the 
> big benefits of rsync, which is reduced network traffic. You're 
> essentially asking rsync to copy everything from your NFS mounted path 
> across the network so it can calculate checksums on the data to see if 
> changes have occurred. (Technically, it isn't quite that bad, given some 
> of the switches you are using, which should skip checksum calculation if 
> the timestamp hasn't changed.)
>> ...I started getting lines like:
>> file has vanished: "/Volumes/mira/scsi/web/vsx/submit/qry_getRemarks.php"
> I gather that means rsync saw the file when it scanned the directory and 
> cached that info in memory, but then couldn't see the file when it 
> actually went to transfer the data.
>> I went to /Volumes/mira/scsi/web/* and I was able to determine that 
>> these files were indeed there!
> Might your NFS drive have gone away momentarily?
> Using the rsync protocol over the network instead of NFS should also 
> avoid this.
>  -Tom

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