[BBLISA] BBLISA LinkedIn group

Tom Metro tmetro+bblisa at vl.com
Tue Jan 6 18:59:35 EST 2009

This is a periodic reminder that BBLISA has a LinkedIn group. (If you're 
not familiar, LinkedIn is a social networking site for professionals.)

Your direct LinkedIn network is supposed to consist of people that 
you've worked with before and can vouch for. In contrast, user group 
connections are like 2nd level contacts (people you know through other 
people). So networking via a user group broadens your network without 
violating that principle.

To join, go to:

No one is pre-approved (which would have required uploading everyone's 
email address to LinkedIn), so you'll be prompted to send a note to the 
group manager. You can ignore that unless you don't get approved after a 
week. Normally I login periodically and approve any pending requests. 
(Note: It is group policy not to admit recruiters.)


Tom Metro
Venture Logic, Newton, MA, USA
"Enterprise solutions through open source."
Professional Profile: http://tmetro.venturelogic.com/

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