[BBLISA] So what do you consider an interesting topic for a monthly talk?

John Stoffel john at stoffel.org
Sun Feb 8 23:35:32 EST 2009

John> I received only 5 positive responses to a talk on Configuration
John> Mangement Systems in general and DACS in particular, so
John> obviously there is no sense in presenting a talk on that.

I'm very interested in others who have setup cfengine/puppet/etc at
their site, esp with other Admins who aren't big on using it at
first.  Selling it is key...

John> So what talks do interest the BBLISA members?

John>   Designing a good resume to land a job?

Sure, but I just use my old LaTeX one and polish up as needed.  :] 

John>   Performance improvement with ITIL, Six Sigma and LEAN?

God, ITIL and Six Sigma.  Don't get me started....

John>   Trouble ticketing systems?

Loved RT 1.0.7... the 2.x series wasn't as good, haven't been able to
get away from the horror of 'GWIsoft' on Lotus Notes at $WORK.  Sucks
to be me...

John>   Use of wiki's in IT?

Maybe suggesting a good low wall wiki would be good.  Esp one I could
stuff from a CLI with a plain text document.  I personally *hate* any
text editor other than emacs, just because I know how to move around
efficiently in emacs.  Other editors just get in my way and slow me
down.  As does any stupid Javascript web editor.  Grrrrrrrrr.....

John> What topics other than those above do you want?

Deploying Splunk.  Care and feeding of Legato orq CommVault backup
software and all it's fun bag of tricks.  

John> Also is MIT not a good place to hold meetings? Should venuses in
John> other areas, metro-west (waltham/arlington/lexington), south,
John> north be considered to get more people to attend?

Well... I'm located out in the worcester area, so MIT is just painful
for me to get to, esp with two small kids at home.  Something much
farther west would help, but then again I don't make my local Linux
group meetings either.  :[  Time is my enemy.


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