[BBLISA-jobs] part time MIT sys admin opening (Windows/Unix/Oracle)

mike broderick mikebroderick at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 1 10:53:16 EDT 2004

what you see is all I know... see mit.edu for more details


SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR, Clinical Research Center (part-time 50%), to provide
hardware, software, and networking support for Windows systems and related
applications, always with security in mind.  Will be responsible for
software upgrades, installations, migrations, creating test databases,
troubleshooting, file and account management, and backup procedures.  Will
also track new technology under development for path to the future and
perform other related tasks.  May maintain, update, and help revise the
center’s web site.  REQUIREMENTS:  a bachelor's degree in computer science
and/or equivalent, hands-on experience working with Oracle database
management, and experience with Unix and Windows environments.  Familiarity
with other relational databases desirable.  Seek flexible individual with
good problem solving skills who is able to set priorities, share knowledge,
and transmit information in a clear manner.  Must be able to conduct and
follow through on work commitment with attention to detail.  (Schedule to
be determined.) MIT-00001401

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