On Tue, 2007-01-02 at 07:47 -0500, Adam S. Moskowitz wrote: > Wednesday, January 10th; 7:00 - 9:30; MIT E51-149 > > John Rouillard, long-time members of BBLISA, will present > "Nagios and SEC: A Happy (Re-) Union." > > Full details can be found on our web site: > > http://www.bblisa.org/ > > Hope to see you there! > > AdamM Gee, and as your Nagios-related meeting winds down, we'll be commencing our Nagios-related meeting in San Francisco. Any Back Bay LISA members who happen to be in San Francisco next Wednesday evening are extended a special invitation to attend. (Anyone who has figured out how to overcome the limits of space-time is extended an extra special invitation to attend both!) Also: we have a blog where we're keeping notes from our Monitoring SIG at: http://www.groundworkopensource.com/community/blog/?cat=3h ----------------------------------------------------- January '07 BayLISA Monitoring SIG: Ganglia to Nagios: Bridging the Gap Ganglia Project Lead Matt Massie will be on hand to share how he's seeing Ganglia being used and what new functionality he envisions. Peter Loh and Mayank Patel from GroundWork will show how to unify the best features of Nagios and Ganglia into a highly scalable IT monitoring solution. We'll finish with freeform Q&A where you can take advantage of the assembled wisdom to tackle your thorniest (or most basic) monitoring issues. (If you want to be sure to present your issue email me directly and I'll schedule it.) What: BayLISA Monitoring SIG IV: Ganglia to Nagios: Bridging the Gap Who: Anyone interested in IT monitoring issues and tools: newbies particularly welcome! When: Wednesday, January 10 2007, 7PM Where: GroundWork Open Source, 139 Townsend St., San Francisco How: 139 Townsend St. is very near AT&T Park. It is two blocks from the CalTrain Depot. Take the MUNI N trolley "inbound" to 2nd and King (ballpark stop) or take the 15 or 30 buses (among others) crosstown. Free evening street parking can usually be found. New Year's pizza, pop, and snacks will be provided by GroundWork. We'll open up the doors at 6:30 or so and start the formal part of the meeting promptly at 7PM. RSVP (not necessary, but helpful): Peter Mui, pmui@groundworkopensource.com, 415 992 4573 -----------------------------------------------------