[BBLISA] Calendaring Software Suggestions?

A. Rich arr at oceanwave.com
Thu Mar 5 15:45:47 EST 2015

rkinne>    Hi Folks: We'd like to up our game in terms of calendaring.  I
rkinne> don't really want to go into a Microsoft Exchange environment since it
rkinne> would disenfranchise a portion of my office as far as I can
rkinne> tell. We're largely Linux servers with largely Mac and a couple of
rkinne> Linux workstations. 

If you want to run your own, Zimbra probably has some of the best
mail/calendering integration. I'm pretty sure they also have partners who will
do hosted Zimbra for you. We it at Mozilla before we switched over to
corporate Google Apps. Corporate Google Apps accounts are a good option if you
don't want to run the infrastructure yourself. I'm not fond of gmail's mail
interface, but they do run IMAP servers as well, so you might be able to bend
it to your will depending on how your client handles labels.

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