[BBLISA] Calendaring Software Suggestions?

Doc Kinne rkinne at aavso.org
Thu Mar 5 15:23:35 EST 2015

Hi Folks:

We'd like to up our game in terms of calendaring. 

Up to this time we've had separate email and calendaring software. Someone would send an email to someone asking if they could meet and they would agree and both would manually put it into their calendars. Their calendars would be largely viewable by everyone. The calendars were being driven by a simple CalDav server and the user interface was Apple Calendar.

We have a new boss who has come from a Microsoft Exchange environment and is used to being able to invite people to a meeting by making a calendar entry. While we've not done that to this point, I certainly can see the advantages to it. 

My problem has been finding a solution. The only environment like that I had any professional experience in was GroupWise 5.5 about 15 years ago. I don't really want to go into a Microsoft Exchange environment since it would disenfranchise a portion of my office as far as I can tell. We're largely Linux servers with largely Mac and a couple of Linux workstations.

I thought Outlook.com was an answer, but the more I try out its calendering software the worse I like it. I'm having bad problems creating an event via inviting people and then later changing details of that event. That should be something you can do, but its not working out with Outlook.com.

So, my question is: What have you guys found that works? What do you use?  Please let me know what your favorite is.

Doc Kinne
American Assoc. of Variable Star Observers
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