[BBLISA] July BBLISA talk: Server Names? We don't need names .... (Wed/Tomorrow)

John P. Rouillard rouilj at cs.umb.edu
Tue Jul 8 10:19:10 EDT 2014

Hello all:

Our July talk will be held on Wednesday, July 9, 2014 (tomorrow). Our
speaker is Matthew Barr and he will be talking on:

  Server Names? We don't need names where we're going!

  How do you thrive in a environment where you don't know your servers'
  names, or if they'll disappear at any time? How do you build servers
  with configuration management in this kind of environment? What do you
  give up?  This talk will discuss how you can name your hosts to make
  life easier, and covers using cloudinit, autoscaling, mcollective,
  logstash & sensu.

Matthew Barr has been a sysadmin (professionally) for over 15 years,
managing both cloud based & datacenter infrastructures. He's led the
ops group at Kensho & Snap Interactive, and the US sysops group for
MarkitServ. He recently finished building a production autoscaling
infrastructure in AWS without knowing his hostnames. He's a
co-maintainer on puppet-jenkins, and has contributed code to Puppet,
logstash, and various other projects.

The talk will be held at MIT in building E-51, Room 149 at:

   7:00 - Announcements & Introductions

and at 7:30 - Formal presentation

I hope to see you there.

(Note I don't believe we will have a video of this talk, so if you
want to see it, you should come to the meeting if you are able.)

				-- rouilj
John Rouillard
My employers don't acknowledge my existence much less my opinions.

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