[BBLISA] Finding Sysadmin jobs in the Boston area

Matthew Barr mbarr at mbarr.net
Thu Aug 8 13:05:03 EDT 2013

I just moved up to Boston from NYC, and was wondering if any of you have any recruiters that you've had good experiences with in the past.  Do people use Craigslist in this area for serious jobs?  Any other avenues that I'm not thinking of, beyond your personal network?

I'm looking for a job in the area, ideally with a company interested in configuration management (Puppet a plus).  That whole shiny new DevOps thing is a decent buzzword as well. 

I joined the BBLISA-jobs list as well, but thought some of the members of the list might have some people they actually liked to work with.   If you don't want to respond publicly, that's OK too.

I'm also curious if anyone has any other meetups / user groups that they like other than BBLISA that focus on Ops .  Boston Devops doesn't meet all that often yet, and I've found a few others, but meeting new people & learning new things are always a good thing.



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