[BBLISA] Dual access to files by webserver and user.

K. M. Peterson KMP at KMPeterson.COM
Fri Nov 11 13:59:51 EST 2011

I've been picking at a similar problem for a while now, and I have two questions.

First, you said that the webserver will assert access control policies.  I presume these policies are separate from filesystem permissions (I don't know of any way to have Apache processes run as a UID based on authentication credentials) - I'd be curious to hear how this is being done.  

Second, the only way that I know of for a user to write arbitrary files to a server is via WebDAV.  How are you planning to do this?  Or is this part of a workflow using CGI to do the actual disk i/o?

BTW, if you wanted to roll your own, you could use inotify - a kernel based set of utilities to fire off tasks when the contents of a monitored directory changes.  I set up a replication system using some scripts that push content that is scp'd to a particular directory...

And you might also find the use of ACLs, if supported, can help, too. 


On 11 Nov 2011, at 13:28 , Ian Stokes-Rees wrote:

> On 11/11/11 12:39 PM, Bill Bogstad wrote:
>> You might look into doing a "chmod g+s user-top-directory". This will cause the group of any files/directories created in that directory to be set to the group of the user-top-directory rather then the group of the process. If users' default umasks are set to 0007 as you suggest, this will probably work for you. The problem with this is that you might not want the users to be in the "webserver" group (otherwise they would be able to read other people's files). As a result, the users won't be able to make a top level directory with the appropriate group setting themselves. If you create the top level directory for them ahead of time (probably required for webserver access), then they will probably never need to do this.
> I think I've talked about trying this before and then didn't move forward with it.  This would be a great solution, and we can certainly create these directories in advance (in fact, at account creation time), and set ownership policies appropriately.  I'll need to understand the semantics of u+s and g+s to see if there are ways a user can "break out" of the setting in a way that would impact others negatively (their problem if they screw themselves up, but we can't have them accessing other users data or the "core" web-server data).
> The think the idea would be:
> for u in /home/*; do
>   b=`basename $u`
>   mkdir $u/portal_data
>   chown -R apache:$b $u/portal_data
>   chmod -R u+rwX,g+rwXs,o-rwX $u/portal_data
> done
> So when the webserver (process user apache) writes files to /home/peterpan/portal_data/foo/bar then the ownership will be:
> apache:peterpan rw-rw----
> Then peterpan can ssh into the system and still read these files in his home directory, but he can't read files in /home/captainhook/portal_data/zip/zap.
> ...

K. M. Peterson, Boston                                      http://kmpeterson.com/resume
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