[BBLISA] 30% Apple

Rob Taylor rgt at wi.mit.edu
Thu Feb 17 12:46:29 EST 2011

In this case the tax would be on the developers/app sellers, and not on
the consumer though. (Unless the developers upped the cost to make up
the losses, which I think some would).

I do think that it's ridiculous that apple should get 30% going forward.
One time fee, I might be ok with. In perpetuity, no.

Imagine if home depot or stanley tools got a commission for every house
built with a hammer or air-nailer that they made/sold. Crazy right?

However, a physical model of something similar is not unheard of. I knew
a guy who ran some booths at a mall, and he had to pay a fixed rent, and
a percentage of their sales. I doubt it was 30% though.

Many tech companies are trying to figure out how to turn anything into a
continuous/recurring revenue stream, instead of a one time charge, even
if they really provide no actual benefit after the fact.

Microsoft changed their licensing on virtual windows desktops, so that
you need to pay $100 a year if you are not accessing the VM from a
windows pc. So, connecting from linux, thin client, or mac is $100 a
year, because apparently RDP(or what Microsoft is now calling a Virtual
Desktop Access) is now a license-able thing. So you need to pay $100 per
year for the privilege to connect to an os you already bought.
And that's per machine connecting to it, not per vm.
They figure that you are saving some money in this scenario, so they
deserve some of it. There are no tangible technical benefits that I can
find to this license, they just found a way a new way to charge you for
something that was free before.


It's just disappointing that multi-billion dollar companies feel the
need to nickel and dime you over everything, even for things that they
don't even really provide. However, the CEO's yacht doesn't just get
bigger all by itself now. :-)


On 02/17/2011 07:44 AM, Edward Ned Harvey wrote:
> Imagine if Microsoft charged a 30% tax on all products people bought while
> using Windows.  Would you as a consumer continue using Windows?  Forcing
> developers to cater to them?
> Just in case you don't know what I'm talking about (which seems unlikely)
> Apple is charging 30% for all sales that occur while using the iPhone.  The
> news is all over the 'net, but here's one link:
> http://techcrunch.com/2011/02/15/apple-in-app-subscriptions/ 
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