[BBLISA] domain theft saga

Tom Metro tmetro+bblisa at vl.com
Tue Mar 30 04:29:47 EDT 2010

For those of you not on the BLU list, you might find this an interesting


In brief, a directed attack using social engineering was perpetrated
against my domain registrar, Dreamhost, and due to multiple failures on
their part, they granted the attacker access to my account, froze me
out, and hampered my ability to halt the attack.

This started Saturday night, and by Sunday afternoon, given lax response
from Dreamhost, the attacker had succeeded in transferring my vl.com
domain, which is considered of high value due to being only two letters,
to a foreign registrar located in the Bahamas.

Included in my posts are laughable chat transcripts between the attacker
and the Dreamhost support personnel, where support people were more than
happy to update contact info, supply plain text passwords, and force
through a domain transfer.

Clearly, humans were the weakest link in this system.

The good news is that the attacker never succeeded in compromising my
email account use as the domain contact (despite a few attempts) and the
foreign registrar has been convinced that there was enough fishy about
the transfer to put modifications on hold. So for the time being my name
server records are safe, and they haven't gained access to my vl.com
email traffic. (Though I'm pretty sure they only care about the domain

I've reported the attack to the local police and the FBI.

Still tonight the attackers made attempts to reset the password on my
Google hosted account used as the contact address for the domain.
Undoubtedly so they can leverage it to send a forged letter to the
foreign registrar.


Tom Metro
Venture Logic, Newton, MA, USA
"Enterprise solutions through open source."
Professional Profile: http://tmetro.venturelogic.com/

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