[BBLISA] Desktop policies and UNIX-ish operating systems

Jurvis LaSalle jurvis at gmail.com
Fri Jan 29 13:17:25 EST 2010

I'm surprised at the amount of misinformation here.  Are you trolling?  whatever- I'll bite.

On Jan 29, 2010, at 5:37 AM, Edward Ned Harvey wrote:

> Some people call OSX a Unix.  I say:  For shame.  ;-)
> IMHO, you can't be called a unix, if you have a case-insensitive filesystem,

It's true that case-insensitive is still the default setting, but you can format it case-sensitive since 10.5.  Just don't plan on installing Adobe software if you do.

> your config settings are stored in a proprietary format in a proprietary
> location instead of using /etc

XML serialized to binary is proprietary now?  /etc is still used for some things (hosts, resolv.conf, ssh, ldap, apache, php, cron, postfix, etc).  It's mainly GUI software that doesn't use /etc.  Many other *nix variants do the same thing.

> you have no concept of package selection or
> package management,

Apple takes a pretty spare course here.  You want it?  Download and install it (and the app is responsible for checking for its own updates).  You don't want it?  Delete it.

but you'd probably want to check out macports or fink.  

> and you're a single-user operating system that cannot
> allow multiple logins even if you try.

just wrong.  perhaps you mean only one concurrent GUI login?


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