[BBLISA] How would you address this?

Josh Smith irilyth at infersys.com
Fri Feb 17 15:26:14 EST 2006

MT == Michael Tiernan <michael.tiernan at gmail.com>

MT> Vendor says:
MT> For security reasons, the license file must be in /opt/FOOFOO_license
MT> unless /opt is not on local disk. In that case, the license file will be
MT> placed in /var/adm/FOOFOO_license. This is not a bug.
MT> So, what logic do you throw back at them?

"You guys are screaming idiots. The depths of your stupidity are without
bounds. You couldn't get a clue during the clue mating season in a field
full of horny clues if you smeared your body with clue musk and did the
clue mating dance. There should be a law against being as dumb as you are.

This is not an insult."

                                      -Josh (irilyth at infersys.com)

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